MD (Alt Med)
Gut Health Coach
Nutrional Consultant (USA)
Wellness is life and healthy living is a lifestyle choice. Through my 12 years of practice as a wellness coach, I have learned that each one of us has the innate potential to heal ourselves. Detox Diets and using natural foods as supplements to heal and rejuvenate is something I feel committed to share with all my clients. By skilfully using the secrets of whole foods, ancient food remedies, breath-work and biomagnetic therapies – mine is a convenient, realistic and holistic approach that helps you connect to yourself.
My fascination for whole food healing began when I was a little girl. I would watch my Nani and Mother use ancient wisdom, handed down through generations, to put together these simple yet magical concoctions of herbs and spices, to heal just about any basic ailment at home. In a quiet town in Madhya Pradesh, India, my passion for alternative healing through wholesome foods and spices took shape, eventually leading me to study Nutrition in the USA and Yoga in Rishikesh, after my MBA in the UK.
As a mother of two strong beautiful boys, I find personal triumph and solace in witnessing how food and alternative therapies have helped shape them. But life is also full of surprises. My firstborn, Abhinav, a happy go lucky boy enjoying his school life, participating and winning in almost all school sports, at a tender age of 12 yrs he suffered a brain stroke and underwent 9 brain surgeries in all. It drove him into a coma for a year. During this period the doctors gave up and suggested we too let him go. Our life’s may have turned upside down but my faith in my child and the belief in bodies innate potential to heal itself once given the right nutrients and stimulation, never let us give up. Under my mother’s guidance and all I had learnt as a nutritional coach, we started using food as medicine along with other rehab therapies. God was kind and with time we saw these remedies unfold their miracles and Abhinav started surfacing from coma. Today Abhinav is back to swimming and is teaching himself to walk again. Nutrition was and continues to be a large part of his healing. My second-born Aryaman, who was six at the time, couldn’t quite understand what had happened he missed playing with his older brother and the pampering Abhinav indulged him with. Today, he plays tennis at an international level and strives with me to keep up his fitness, academic goals and general well-being. Daily detox using foods helped us heal as a family, from all the emotional trauma we went through trying to keep both our kids safe and in a positive space.
Using food as medicine is an art I am continuously mastering. Today through our safe and confidential consulting practice, hundreds of our clients across the globe feel supported at every step of their wellness journey, as they work with us to achieve realistic health goals that we set together as a team. We work closely to understand our client’s life journeys – to identify personal turning points, mental and emotional states, habits, food choices that could have attributed to their present ailment or health concerns.
I believe that food, lifestyle, and emotional wellbeing are the three pillars on which healing roots itself. Health comes not only from what you eat BUT ALSO FROM peace of mind and how much you laugh and play.
To me, it is fulfilling to witness how my clients begin to take responsibility of their mind and body as our sessions progress. The most delightful feedback I get is “we are now enjoying connecting to ourself”. It makes being part of their wellness journey absolutely rewarding.